- AIMST Dental Students’ Association (ADSA)
- Medical Students’ Association (MEDSA)
- Pharmaceutical Society of AIMST University (PHARMSA)
- AIMST Biotechnology Students’ Association (ABSA)
- AIMST Foundation Students’ Association (AFSA)
- AIMST Engineering and IT Society (AEITS)
- AIMST Physiotherapy Students’ Association
- AIMST Student Nurses Association
- AIMST Indian Cultural Society
- AIMST Punjabi Cultural Society
- AIMST Union Christian Fellowship
- AIMST Basketball Club
- AIMST Football & Futsal Club
- AIMST Badminton Club
- AIMST Business Club
- AIMST Frisbee Club
- AIMST Tennis Club
- AIMST Leo Club
- AIMST 24 Seasons Drum Club
- R.E.D Association
- AIMST TZU CHI Collegiate Youth Association
- AIMST Buddhist Association
- Rotaract Club Association
- AIMST Taekwondo Club

Counseling Services during COVID-19 crisis
The Counseling & Advisory Service Unit (C.A.S.U.) will be providing its services via phone and online, 7 days a week throughout the COVID-19 health crisis. Our full range of services will be available during this trying time and throughout the social distancing practice.
Click here for more info
Counselling offers a variety of positive benefits which can enhance student’s life greatly. Counselling can be of great support to students during the transition of change and at AIMST University, C.A.S.U. counsellors are professionally qualified and offer free and confidential support to all its students.
Students who are overawed by life on campus may visit our experienced counsellors who will assist them to cope with the intricacies and complexities of university life. Studies show students receiving comprehensive guidance and counseling would significantly increase their CGPA achievement.
Our counselors have the time, the resources, and comprehensive guidance program to facilitate students in improving their CGPA.
C.A.S.U. also offers workshops, group counseling, self-help materials and professional guidance in managing Exam Stress, Sleep Management, Anxiety and Panic, Concentration, Conflict with Others, Homesickness, Loneliness, Mindfulness, Parental Separation, Perfectionism, Phobias, Procrastination, Self-Esteem, Mental Block and help deal with many other issues that can be overcome through counseling.
Our counsellors are very understanding and always ready to offer support. Plus, they respond in non-judgemental way. They will respect your values, choices and lifestyle. Our counselors at C.A.S.U. will work with you to achieve your goals.
Counselling & Advisory Service Unit (C.A.S.U)
1st Floor, Student Affairs Building
AIMST University
Contact Details:
Ms. Lakshme: +604-429 8000 (Ext: 2215) / letcimei@aimst.edu.my
Mr. Yahya: +604-429 8000 (Ext: 2216) / yahya@aimst.edu.my
Our services are available from Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 4.30pm

Hostel accommodation is provided for all students, whether local, out-of-town or overseas students. These residences are shared by groups of four to twelve students and are within walking distance to the Student Centre that contains shops, a cafeteria and ATM Teller Machine. The University’s accommodation package includes three meals a day at the cafeteria.

Student Counselling Centre plays an integral role in supporting the University’s mission to produce graduates with strong employability skills, who are career-ready, and highly sought-after by employers and the industry.
The Student Counselling Centre provides various services to help students enhance their own employability by helping them to discover their career interests and strengths.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. Upon my arrival what should I do?
Upon your arrival, you will undergo symptom check at the university’s guard house. Subsequently, you are required to meet our doctors for further screening at the Orientation Hall (Student Centre Building).
2. When will the doctors be available for screening?
Doctors will be available from 9am to 12noon (morning session) and 2.00pm to 4.30pm (evening session).
3. What should I do if I arrive at night?
You will be directed to the quarantine block if you arrive after operation hours and will be quarantined until you are screened by our doctors on the following day.
4. My faculty has informed the arrival date, but unfortunately I could not come on the said day. What should I do?
You are strongly encouraged to arrive on the given date by the faculty. Anyhow in certain circumstances, you are allowed to enter the campus on the preferred day but prior information should be passed to the respective Chief Wardens.
5. How do I contact the Chief Wardens?
Male: 012 771 5435 (Mr. Yusof)
Female: 018 956 4072 (Ms. Lalitha)
6. Can I skip my health screening at the orientation hall?
You can’t. Health screening is compulsory.
7. Once I reach the orientation hall, what should I do?
You will be given a form to fill up and accordingly, screening will be done.
8. My parents will be dropping me; therefore can they enter AIMST Campus?
Parents are allowed to drop you inside the campus but they are not allowed to enter hostel rooms. In this regard, you may refer to warden office for assistance.
9. Is wearing face mask compulsory?
Yes. Wearing face mask is compulsory.
10. If I have enquiries on my academic matters, to whom I should ask?
You may refer to your respective faculty lecturer or administrator.
Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA Notice)
PDPA Notice Perakuan PendaftaranStudent Handbook / Rules & Regulation
New Refund Policy – Rev 2 AIMST Hostel Rules & Regulations Student Handbook