Our Story
Imbued with the vision of its founders, AIMST aims to be a premier private sector university in the country and region catering to the needs of local and international students in providing quality technical education at an affordable price.
The curricula for most of the degree programmes are drawn from a U.K. based university.
Most components of the degree programmes include computer training, writing and research in order to prepare students for work and to provide them with the ability to apply technologies to all aspects of their education.
Admission to the degree programmes requires the applicant to meet minimally the prescribed grades in the relevant subjects at the matriculation (local or overseas) level or possess other equivalent qualifications acceptable to AIMST University.
The medium of instruction for all courses is English, although the importance of the National Language will be emphasised in all activities of the University.
AIMST University will provide language support for students before and during their degree studies to ensure an acceptable level of fluency.
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Our Vision
To be a world-class university, achieving excellence in teaching and research, and engaged in the service of society in promoting lifelong education.
Our Mission
To be a premier university in the country and region for the study of medicine and other health sciences, engineering, computer technology, applied sciences, business and accountancy.
To maintain high academic standards and teaching quality that promote the analytical thinking and independent judgement necessary to function responsibly in a democratic and increasingly global society.
To be a centre of excellence for research and innovation in frontier disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas of science and technology of relevance to the country and region.
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