Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Microbiology(N/421/8/0037) (12/21) (MQA/FA 6185)

Programme Overview:
The PhD Medical Microbiology program emphasizes independence in scientific pursuit and critical thinking with an emphasis on quality research and life-long learning to bring the student to a higher level of competence in Medical Microbiology with special expertise in an area chosen for the thesis.
It considers all aspects of Medical Microbiology and incorporates all learning domains of Malaysian Qualifications Framework.
A Doctoral Degree is to provide further enhancement of knowledge, skills and abilities obtained at the master’s level. It generally provides the graduate with the abilities to conduct independent research.
The broad objective of the PhD Medical Microbiology programme is to produce high quality graduates that are able to integrate knowledge and skills drawn from biological sciences and related technologies, taking into account the aspects of ethics, communication skills, leadership, professionalism and social responsibility.
Programme Structure
The programme is fully research-based. Components of the programme are not subject-based but are divided according to the research areas/expertise: Medical Bacteriology, Medical Virology, Medical Parasitology, Medical Mycology, Immunology, Fermentation, Bioinformatics Genetic engineering, Molecular Pharmacology.
Successful completion of research project and defense of this project is required for graduation. Besides the thesis, there will be continuous assessments for monitoring the research progress. The tools used may include proposal presentation, research progress eports, portfolio, journal club presentations, publication and conference participation.
Continuous assessment of student is done through progress reports and research presentations every 3 months throughout the student’s candidature. The final assessment is based on evaluation of doctoral thesis and defense of the thesis at the end of their candidature.
The thesis will be examined by a panel of examiners including two external examiners and one internal examiner.
Minimum Entry Requirements
Doctoral Degree by Research as of Programme Standards Medical and Health Science: |
*Doctoral Degree by Research as of Standards for Master’s and Doctoral Degree: |
*Applicable to all Doctoral programmes including Doctoral Degree by Retrospective or prior publication and TVET A Bachelor’s degree with the following conditions:
Bachelor’s degree candidates who are registered for master’s degree programmes may apply to convert to the doctoral degree programmes subjected to the following conditions:
Career Opportunities
- Teaching careers in academia
- Job opportunities in research Institutions and industries
- Post-doctoral fellowship/training
- Scientist in research and development.
- Clinical Microbiologists in hospitals
Key Highlights
- Study Loans
- Maju institute for Education Development
- Bank loan– CIMB Bank, Bank Rakyat, AGRO Bank
- State Loans