Master in Science (Medical Physiology)(R2/720/7/0099) (08/24) (A 9670)

Programme Overview:
- Acceptable level of understanding of the structure and functioning of the human body
- Aptitude for research in a field related to the discipline of medical physiology
- Aptitude to teach physiology to undergraduate students in the profession
- For pursuing evidence-based physiology education
- High standards of professional conducts and
- Aptitude for continuous professional development
Programme Structure
Medical Physiology is a full time mixed mode semester based 2 year course composite of core and elective subjects in year 1 that incudes General and Cellular Basis of Medical Physiology, Physiology of Nerve and Muscle, Hematology & Immunology, Gastrointestinal Physiology, Neurophysiology, Endocrinology & Reproduction, Cardiovascular Physiology, Pulmonary Physiology, Renal and Acid-Base Physiology. Research Methods, Biostatistics & Ethics; Research Projects in year 2 A combination of teaching-learning methods including student seminars, lecturers, tutorials, laboratory practical, assignments and student initiated learning, elective modules, journal club presentation and research project.
Minimum Entry Requirements
Master Degree by Mixed Mode as of Programme Standards Medical and Health Science: |
Master’s by Mixed Mode as of Standards for Master’s and Doctoral Degree: |
Career Opportunities
- Further research leading to a PhD
- Teaching careers in academia
Key Highlights
- Study Loans
- Maju institute for Education Development
- Bank loan– CIMB Bank, Bank Rakyat, AGRO Bank
- State Loans