2 Days Interactive Endodontics Workshop

By Dr. Rahul Rathi BDS, MDS Endodontics, FICD

25 and 26 of August 2018

Saturday & Saturday, 8.30am to 5.30pm

Venue: Faculty of Dentistry, AIMST University

Early Bird Fee (Register On/Before 10 August 2018)
Registration Fee = RM 1,050
AIMST Alumni = RM 950

Registration Fee After 10 August 2018
Registration Fee = RM 1,200
AIMST Alumni = RM 1,100


Programme Outline
Endodontics is the backbone of a dental practice since patients nowadays are more conscious about saving the teeth. Out of all teeth, usually, a molar presents with challenges during root canal therapy.
Hence, this two days workshop is focussed on mastering endodontic therapy, especially for molar teeth with the latest techniques and skills involved in the field. This program will provide in-depth training in the latest endodontic techniques and skills.
The main goal of this program is to add on and grow the practice by easily achieving higher success rates and saving the patient’s ‘’on-chair’’ time. Participants will be more confident in treating molars, making endodontics more profitable, more enjoyable and faster.

Day 1 Saturday – 25 August 2018
Day 1 lecture and hands-on will focus more on principles of endodontics, diagnosis and treatment of a previously untreated tooth requiring endodontic therapy. The various challenges encountered during root canal treatment will be explained and dealt with.

Day 2 Sunday – 26 August 2018
Day 2 lecture and hands-on will focus more on post endodontic restoration as well as re-treatment of a previously treated tooth. The various tactics to overcome difficulties while performing re-treatment will be discussed.

For futher information, please contact or email:
Email : endoaimst@gmail.com
WhatsApp : 011 5174 4916 / 014 696 2692

Please return duly completed form with proof of payment for registration to:

For Online Registration, Please Click Here
