Omics-Driven Computational Biodiscovery

Following several successful ventures in research collaborations, the Centre of Excellence for Omics-Driven Computational Biodiscovery (COMBio) was conceptualised and established between AIMST University, Prof. Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bent Petersen from the University of Copenhagen in September 2017.

Over the years, the Centre has grown from funds generated through bioinformatics analysis services, workshops, and several national as well as international grants secured by the team. As of 2021, COMBio is now a Ministry of Education recognized Consortium of Excellence in the niche area of Artificial Intelligence. The Centre’s main focus is on using computational tools and AI for biodiscovery.

Since its establishment, COMBio have published more than 50 high-impact research articles, secured 17 grants (3 international from UK Research Council) worth more than RM 3.3 million, and completed 22 contract research/consultancy projects. The Centre works with highly reputed educational institutes and industries, both locally and internationally. This includes Boston Children’s Hospital (Harvard Medical School), a phage research lab at the University of Leicester, Globe Institute at the University of Copenhagen, Deakin Genomics Centre at Deakin University, Barwon Health, Australia, UPM, RC Buminiaga, UTM, UTHM, and many more.

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