
International Advisory Panel, AIMST University
About :
Professor CAO is Dean of the Chinese Academy of PPP Governance, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) based in Beijing, a think-tank and national platform for PPP research and education jointly established by MoF, CUFE and China CITIC Group. He is Professor of Law at Law School of CUFE and serves as Legal Counsel of Ministry of Finance. He is the Chief Scientist and Director of the award-winning Major Legislative Research Program on PPP by the National Planning Office for Social Science and sits on the Review Panel for national PPP model projects by Ministry of Finance. He directs the Project on the revision of the Circular of Financial Viability Assessment of PPP project awarded by MOF and serves as an expert group member of other Circulars such as VFM Assessment and Guideline on Proceedings of PPP projects, Guideline on PPP contract document. He also won a competitive bid awarded by World Bank (implemented by MOF) on domestic law reform in light of China’s Accession negotiation of WTO-GPA. He co-authors China White Paper on PPP best Practice.
Prof. CAO Fuguo was a Visiting Scholar at Nottingham University Law School and Fulbright Visiting Scholar at George Washington University Law School. He served the Working Group and Expert Group preparing China’s Bidding Law, Government Procurement Law and Regulations on Concession in Infrastructure Sector, and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement and UNCITRAL Expert Group on PPP law reform. He edits China Public Procurement Law Review and sits on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Chinese Government Procurement(China-based), Public Procurement Law Review (European-based), Journal of Government Procurement(USA-based), International Journal of Public Sector Management(UK-based), and Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law (since 2013). Professor CAO authored five books referred journal articles on issues of corporate law, public (international) procurement\bidding\concession law, energy law and healthcare law.
Professor Cao also serves as Deputy President of China Energy Law Society and was recently awarded a two-year program on Climate Change,Energy Transition and sustainable procurement, international exchange program awarded by CUFE and Ministry of Science and Technology (2021-2022); the project involves design and delivery of advanced graduate courses in collaboration with distinguished guest professors from European Universities. He also directs the national “green energy” research student field research competition program, the theme of which for current year is Legal issues on Hydrogen Energy and more than 300 postgraduate students from more than 30 national universities participate in.