Practise a heart-friendly lifestyle

World Heart Day was initiated in 1999 to reduce the alarming morbidity and mortality caused […]

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Mastering thinking skills for success

Know what it takes to succeed in life by mastering and exhibiting thinking skills for […]

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Tun S. Samy Vellu’s inspiring leadership will long be remembered

If there is one person who fits the bill of setting a vision for his […]

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Early signs point to expansionary election year budget

Read more about the upcoming 2023 budget and the factors that point it to a […]

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Poor oral hygiene can affect overall health

Poor oral health can have dangerous implications on our overall health. It is also a […]

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How universities can remain relevant

Universities have a bounden duty to mould impressionable minds into better citizens and leaders. The […]

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Power up against Omicron

Vaccination, diagnostics, and public health tools have helped us survive the Covid-19 pandemic in the […]

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Finding our ‘ikigai’ is key to happiness

Get to know more about ‘Ikigai,’ a Japanese concept that refers to something that gives […]

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There is ample room to increase interest rates further

As Malaysia’s economy continues its recovery momentum, more rate increases can be expected. With the […]

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Make GST rate low and set up safety nets to placate people

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is regressive and will hurt the poor more. However, if […]

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Curb inflation, accelerate income growth to reduce cost of living

As Malaysia continues to be ravaged by global inflation, it is high time to address […]

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Interest rate fights inflation better than a currency peg

Read more about the measures taken by Bank Negara to fight inflation and the circumstances […]

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