Terms & Conditions


  • All AIMST Students and Staffs.
  • Individual or team is eligible.
  • Length of video should not exceed 3 minutes.

Rules & Terms

  • Format: MOV or MP4
  • Image resolution: above 1920×1080

Rights and obligations of participants

  • Entries must not be the re-edited versions of other works.
  • Entries are subject to the use of the published text, interviews, video record or third party works (such as props, music, photos, etc.), shall be authorized by the third-party with signed Consent for Authorized Use of Copyright and agree to the organizers and sublicense the use of the third person during the contest for the licensed content reproduce, edit, convert, distribute, publicly broadcast, public transport, public exhibition and other promotional activities of non-profit purpose use.
  • Participants must be the original creator of the entries.
  • Entries must be unpublished works. No plagiarism, borrowing, copying, or counterfeiting is allowed.
  • Entries may not be disclosed without the consent of authorities and shall be signed by the copyright statement (entries are no illegal infringement of the copyright or other rights of others).
  • Entries involving intellectual property rights disputes shall be the responsibility of the entrants themselves and have nothing to do with the organizer.
  • Rights and obligations of finalists
  • The finalists agree to grant the organizer the right to broadcast their works.
  • Once the video is shortlisted, it shall not be withdrawn for any reason.


  • The organizer and the co-organizer have the right to use all the entries during the competition for promotional activities.
  • Those who fail to comply with or provide the provisions of this brief shall be deemed to be abstaining, and the organizer may directly cancel the eligibility of prizes for the work without notice.
  • Participants should read and agree to the provisions of this brief. The organizer reserves the right to amend at any time.

Note*: All participants should send the completed video via weTransfer to aimstwebsite@gmail.com
