3 ways Malaysia can join the ranks of 30 largest economies

A study of the wealthiest nations suggests three important strategies for Malaysia to become among the top 30 largest economies. The nation’s aspiration to become a leading economy requires strategies like boosting innovation through R&D, fostering an innovation culture, improving digital infrastructure, and enhancing STEM education. Additionally, addressing poverty and inequality remains crucial alongside economic goals. Read more about it in an article titled ‘3 ways Malaysia can join the ranks of 30 largest economies’ by the Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive of AIMST University, Professor Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier. This insightful article got featured in the columnist section of NST on 15 August 2023. Click https://www.nst.com.my/opinion/columnists/2023/08/943018/3-ways-malaysia-can-join-ranks-30-largest-economies?fbclid=IwAR2a_TYPMKLk-ySwbqyPf1PFlsWfwRw8UUHksBwzyYhh2nO66N3gmnYVaHU to read.
