โ€˜Year-End Online Resources Quizโ€™ organized by Library AIMST

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Dear AIMST students and staff,

In creating awareness of Library Online Resources and to enhance the usage, AIMST Universityโ€™s Library is organising โ€˜Year-End Online Resources Quizโ€™ from 14th-18th December 2020 (Monday-Friday).

All AIMST students and staff (academic & non-academic) are cordially invited to participate in this quiz and we look forward to your enthusiastic participation and support!!!

Please view the brochure for more details and for enquiries, please call Ms. Mary Theresa at 04-4298445

(Only AIMST students and staff are eligible to participate in this quiz)

#quizย #libraryย #aimst

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