‘Leadership skills inspired from Nature’

Leadership and team skills among students are emphasised by the Malaysian Qualification Framework (MQF). Hence, leadership skills must be acquired by students through their role models who will also help students in mentoring their career skills.

In line with this, Dr. Gokul Shankar Sabesan, who is a Senior Associate Professor and Deputy Dean (Student Affairs) at the Faculty of Medicine has come up with a write-up on ‘Leadership skills inspired from Nature’.

According to Dr. Gokul, there are amazing leadership traits that are exhibited by certain animals which could serve as models to emulate. Hence, leadership skills incorporated in curriculum helps in the growth and success of students.

The article was published in the ‘Letters to the Editor’ section of the News Straits Times (NST) on 27th April 2021. Click https://www.nst.com.my/opinion/letters/2021/04/685846/leadership-skills-inspired-nature to read.
