Madani will make us competitive, but more awareness needed

The transformational potential of values within institutions and nations, with examples such as Paul O’Neil’s prioritization of worker safety at Alcoa and Satya Nadella’s cultivation of coopetition at Microsoft, is depicted in an article titled ‘Madani will make us competitive, but more awareness needed.’ Malaysia’s Madani concept, endorsed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, underlines good governance, trust, respect, innovation, and inclusion for national prosperity. While recognising Madani’s potential, the article emphasises the necessity for heightened awareness through proposed campaigns and dialogues involving public sectors and business associations. The article, authored by the Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive of AIMST University, Professor Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier, was featured in the columnist section of NST on 29 July 2023. Click to read.
