Murdoch Aspire Award winner uses algae to clean our water

It is with immense pride and joy that we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr Ashiwin Vadiveloo on receiving the esteemed Murdoch University’s Business Events Perth Aspire Award for 2023.
The postdoctoral research fellow at Murdoch University’s Algae R&D Centre has conducted groundbreaking work in developing a robust and cost-effective microalgae-based tertiary wastewater treatment and carbon capture system. This reflects not only his brilliance but also contributes significantly to establishing Western Australia as a global leader in the industry.
An alumnus of AIMST University’s biotechnology programme, Dr Ashiwin’s success is a testament to the quality education and training that our institution provides. The innovative approach to wastewater treatment, the production of algae biomass, and collaboration with experts from various disciplines exemplify the interdisciplinary ethos we strive to instill in our graduates.
At AIMST University, we stand together with him, celebrating his success and cheering for his continued achievements. We take pride in having played a part in his academic journey and eagerly anticipate the ongoing impact of his research on a global scale.
Once again, congratulations, Dr Ashiwin Vadiveloo, and may your future endeavours be as bright and successful as your remarkable achievements thus far.
