ACCA vs. Accounting Degree: Which Course Should You Take

ACCA stands for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. ACCA is not an academic degree but a professional accounting qualification that is awarded by an international body. Unlike other finance courses, this one does not qualify as a degree. A Bachelor of Accounting and Finance is a degree in accounting awarded by a university. Accounting is like any other undergraduate degree that prepares a student for their chosen field. An accounting degree is more appropriate for people who have a business bent of mind and are curious to explore accounting details. When it comes to ACCA, it focuses mainly on the principles and technical aspects of accounting, which will help a professional. The individual will acquire deep knowledge of accounting.  

The Difference in the Study Program

An accounting degree or a bachelor in Finance is designed to give a complete experience with the help of core and elective subjects. It is also paired with research work and assignments. Core subjects consist of Financial Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation. The electives cover subjects like business management, entrepreneurship, and others. Additionally, there will also be assignments and a thesis. This makes the experience of acquiring a degree more wholesome. ACCA only concentrates on the technical areas related to accounting. It will provide more specialized knowledge about the subject. The syllabus contains accounting techniques and calculations in great depth. The knowledge is much more detailed compared to a degree program on a professional level.  

Duration for Completion

An accounting degree is usually studied over three years. So, the difficulty is also in a distributive format over three years. The degree is also not completely exam-based. ACCA is challenging as it combines two levels into one. Both bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees are combined in one course. A lot is expected to be done and understood in a short period of time. It takes 4-5 years to complete the degree after the SPM level. ACCA requires three years to complete after the completion of SPM.   accounting numbers  

Which One is More Difficult?

In a degree course, there are going to be lots of assignments, group work, and tests, including final exams. One needs to be consistent with the study and needs to manage time in a way that the focus is not altered. ACCA has been considered difficult. The fundamental and professional levels are highly different. The course material becomes difficult to keep up with as one starts to go from one to the other. In short, ACCA demands a lot in very little time.  

The cost of the ACCA and the Accounting Degree

The cost of the three-year degree program is higher than the cost of ACCA. For ACCA, one doesn’t need to attend any college or private tuition center, which automatically lowers the cost of ACCA.  

The Faster One to Complete

ACCA is considered the fastest way to accomplish what one has set out to do. One can opt for CAT (Certified Accounting Technician) entrance after completing SPM. ACCA can be completed in less than three years if one can pass all the papers. To pursue an accounting degree, one has to be pre-university qualified, which takes 1-2 years. After that, there is a 3-year degree to finish. It can only be finished after that duration.   teamwork business woman accounting concept finance  

Job Prospects

An accounting degree from a recognized university is more recognized because it has international accreditation and partnership arrangements. If one wants to keep their options open outside of accounting as well, an accounting degree is the way to go. The degree program also gives exposure to real estate, media and marketing, and market research. ACCA equips people with professional accounting skills, making it easier to explore the accounting world. Many big organizations like the Big Four want their employees to have professional qualifications like the ACCA. The ACCA can be done after the accounting degree as well. Many organizations want their employees to pursue professional courses and even pay for the same. An accounting degree also offers exemptions from some ACCA papers.  


It’s safe to say that one cannot determine which is better than the other. Both have their pros and cons. Both the degree and the ACCA will help them explore the world of accounting. Many criteria, like time, cost, and prospects for the future, will become deciding factors for any individual. Another factor is whether the candidate aims for a faster route to join the big organizations.  

Five strategies to boost entrepreneurial behaviour

With their business acumen and innovative products, entrepreneurs add value to people's welfare through job creation and enjoyment of life. Hence, the role of government, the private sector, GLCs, and society is vital in assisting aspiring entrepreneurs. The Vice-Chancellor of AIMST University, Professor Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier, has enlisted strategies to boost entrepreneurial behaviour in an article titled 'Five strategies to boost entrepreneurial behavior.' The article got featured in the columnist section of NST on 27 February 2023. Click here to read

Governance, Innovation and Digitalisation

Governance, economic transformation and digitalisation of the Malaysian economy are three areas for transformation that are required in fundamental restructuring for economic resilience. Read more about it in an article titled, ‘Governance, innovation and digitalisation’ by the Vice-Chancellor of AIMST University, Professor Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier. The article got featured in the columnist section of NST on 15 February 2023:   The fear of a recession in advanced economies is fast fading. After big interest rate hikes, inflation is climbing down. A recovering world has helped stabilise our ringgit and propped up our competitiveness. The better news, of course, is China's resurgent economy. The lifting of its zero-Covid policy has restored fractured supply chains, auguring well for the world economy. Research at the American Federal Reserve suggests that a one per cent expansion of China's gross domestic product (GDP) will increase global growth by about 0.25 per cent. With China's growth rate expected to rise by 2.5 per cent, we can witness a ripple effect on the global economic growth of roughly 0.6 per cent. Malaysia is an export-driven economy and China is our largest market. Accordingly, Malaysia can expect the spillover effect from China's buoyancy to lift our economic boat. However, that should not cloud us from a fundamental restructuring for economic resilience. Here are three areas for transformation. First is governance. In their 2012 book Why nations fail, Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson argue that the main determinant of prosperity is the strength of a country's institutions. That the United States and Europe are economically more advanced than Latin America is because the former have good institutions. The public sector represents one such institution. The speed and efficiency of the public sector determine the agility, cost-effectiveness and productivity of the private sector. The latter's competitiveness in turn contributes to national prosperity. We have made inroads to becoming business-friendly. The World Bank puts Malaysia at 12th in its global ease-of-doing-business ranking. This is commendable, but we have some distance to go to achieve the top spot or enter the top-10. This includes shortening the time to start a business (ranked 126th among 190 countries), paying taxes (80th) and improving the efficiency of the judiciary. For instance, it takes more than a year for contractual disputes to grind through the legal system. Our perceived level of public-sector corruption ranks 61st out of 180 countries, as surveyed by Transparency International. The "Madani Malaysia" or civil-society concept aspires to fight corruption and foster trust in public institutions. The second economic transformation is improving the competitiveness of companies through investment in research and development (R&D). Increased R&D leads to greater innovation and high-technology adoption. The richest countries owe their wealth creation to innovation. Take the US, Switzerland, South Korea and the Scandinavian countries. They spend as much as four per cent of their GDP on R&D. If we want a vibrant economy, we need to quadruple our R&D expenditure from the current one per cent of GDP. Third is the digitalisation of the economy. The 12th Malaysia Plan (2021-2025) focuses on digitalisation of the public sector and small firms to catalyse growth. These efforts require high-performance networks across the country and integration of the fragmented databases across the three levels of government: federal, state and local. At 38th in the world, Malaysia lags world leaders such as South Korea, Japan and the Scandinavian countries in electronic government, Internet quality, digital infrastructure and cyber security. Specifically, Malaysia ranked 45th in the world for mobile Internet speeds and 36th for fixed broadband speeds in December 2022. As 98 per cent of our businesses are SMEs, we need to increase digital use among them as only 45 per cent do it now. Recently, I went to Australia. I did not use any hard currency as all transactions were digital. While travelling in South Korea some years ago, I marvelled at the massive Internet coverage there in buses, boats and at rest stops. Strengthening institutions, increasing spending on research and the digitalisation of processes are long-term measures to put the country on a sturdier footing. These policy options are well known. The crux is implementation.

What you can do to get a good night’s rest

What you can do to get a good night's rest? Get the answers by reading an opinion piece by Senior Associate Professor Dr. Jayita Poduval from the Faculty of Medicine. The article got featured in the NST's letters to the editor column on 29 January 2023. Click to read

Why are Men Important in Nursing?

Nursing forms an integral part of the healthcare sector. However, it is also one of the areas that lacks gender diversity. When individuals complete a diploma in nursing or a bachelor of nursing, they are deemed qualified to become nurses and join the healthcare field. Irrespective of the right educational guidance, the nursing field lacks gender equality.  

Need for Gender Equality in the Medical Field

Gender equality must be of paramount importance in a specific field and in all fields. It is even more important in the medical field to ensure that all patients receive the highest quality of care possible. Lack of gender diversity in the medical field may lead to overlooking certain perspectives and experiences. This could lead to a lack of understanding of the problem and a lack of sensitivity toward certain patients. Research has shown that a more diverse workforce can improve patient treatment options. Gender equality in the medical field can help break stereotypes and biases, leading to more inclusive and equitable healthcare systems for one and all. If innovation in healthcare is to be promoted, there is a need to ensure that all genders are properly represented in various leadership roles and decision-making processes. According to a recent study by the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, the demand and job openings for nurses are expected to go up by 7% from 2019 to 2029. Over the years, male nurses have become commonplace within the medical field. While gender equality has helped women break through barriers, even men benefit since they can explore fields they otherwise wouldn’t. Having a mix of men and women in the workforce, especially among nurses, can help patients get better care. Men bring a different perspective and approach that can lead to more effective treatment. A diverse workforce also helps with better understanding and sensitivity toward patients of all genders. Men have traditionally been underrepresented in the medical field of nursing, and women make up most of the workforce. However, this article will analyze why men are important in the nursing field.   male nurse and doctor  

Reasons Why Men are Important in Nursing

1. They Act as Role Models

Men in nursing serve as role models for young boys and men considering a career in healthcare. This helps break stereotypes that nursing is considered a "woman’s job” and encourages more men to take this up as a career opportunity.  

2. They Can Help Address the Nursing Shortage

With an aging population and long-lived stereotypes, nursing has been facing shortages for a while now. This can be addressed when more men join the nursing field. Since the demand for healthcare services is increasing, the need for qualified nurses is also increasing. Male nurses can help fill this gap and ensure all patients get quality healthcare services.  

3. Men Introduce Diverse Skillsets

Men bring different perspectives and skill sets to the nursing field. They have different physical abilities, including greater upper body strength, which can be extremely beneficial in nursing. Men nurses can help in moving and lifting patients as well. Their different and unique ways of commnication can also make them more patient-friendly and help the medical field as a whole.  

4. They Create a More Inclusive and Equitable Healthcare System

Men in nursing can help to ensure a more inclusive and equitable healthcare system. They can help break stereotypes and biases to ensure that patients of every gender get the same level of care and attention. They can also bring an unbiased perspective to the decision-making process and contribute to the advancement of the medical profession.   white nurse and doctor  

5. They Get a Competitive Compensation

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for registered nurses who are qualified with a diploma in nursing or a bachelor of nursing is approximately $82,750. Within the nursing field, even though women are more in number, male nurses get higher salaries. This should motivate men to choose nursing as their profession.  

6. Some Patients Prefer Them

There may be some tasks that male nurses perform better. Patients are aware of this, so their preference towards them is a lot higher. More inclusivity also ensures a split in tasks that women may not be comfortable with.  

All in All

Men form a crucial part of the nursing profession, and their presence can lead to better patient care. Encouraging more and more men to pursue a career in nursing and promoting gender diversity can help improve healthcare quality. It is important to ensure that there is motivation and enough initiatives taken in nursing schools to promote gender diversity.

Types of Dental Specialties and What They Do

Who is a Dentist? 

A dentist is a healthcare professional specializing in preventing, diagnosing, and treating oral diseases. They provide a wide range of services, including general dental check-ups, cleanings, fillings, extractions, and others. Their primary goal is to provide education on oral hygiene and best dental practices. A dentist may work in private hospitals, clinics, or public health settings. Dentists play an important role in maintaining oral health and preventing serious oral diseases. With newer advancements in dental technology, the scope for choosing multiple dental specialties also increases. Dentists typically work in teams to manage complex dental procedures. This includes dental assistants who support the dentist in ensuring smooth procedures and the comfort of the patient.  

What is the Dentist’s Educational Requirement?

A dentist’s educational journey requires the completion of a four-year dentistry course program and the passing of written and clinical exams from an accredited dental university in Malaysia. This degree is referred to as a bachelor of dental surgery. Additionally, a dentist must also get a valid license to practise dentistry. After earning a dental degree, a dentist can choose to specialize in one of the dental specialties. Alternatively, they can directly get into the field of general dentistry.  

What are the Different Types of Dental Specialties?

1. Orthodontics

Orthodontists focus on diagnosing, preventing, and treating dental and facial irregularities. Orthodontists specialize in using braces, retainers, and other appliances to correct and straighten teeth.  

2. Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentists are specialists who look after the treatment of the dental needs of children from infancy through adolescence. They possess the right knowledge and skills to provide children with preventive and therapeutic care. They can also cater to the unique needs of children and provide specialized dental services.  

3. Periodontics

Periodontists are those who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of issues affecting the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. They also look after dental implants and perform cosmetic periodontal procedures.   Dental clinic, detail of dentists with blue suits performing an implant  

4. Oral and Maxillofacial surgery

These dental surgeons specialize in the surgical treatment of diseases and injuries. They also look after defects of the head, neck, face, jaws, and other tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region.  

5. Endodontics

Endodontists are responsible for diagnosing and treating diseases and injuries related to the dental pulp and other tissues surrounding the tooth. They specialize in performing root canals and other procedures to save teeth that would otherwise need to be extracted.  

6. Prosthodontics

Prosthodontists look after the replacement of missing teeth and streamline other oral structures. This is done using dentures, bridges, and dental implants as well.  

7. Public Health Dentistry

This specialization focuses on education on the prevention and control of dental diseases. This education is done in groups instead of with individual patients. They primarily work in community health programs, government agencies, and other settings.  

8. Oral Pathology

Oral pathologists specialize in diagnosing and treating diseases of the oral cavity and surrounding structures. They make use of laboratory and other diagnostic procedures to identify oral cancer and other diseases. They work closely with other dental specialists to plan the treatment and further course of action.   Boy Undergoing Dental check  

9. Dental Anaesthesiology

Dental anesthesiologists are specialists in administering anesthesia and providing sedation for dental procedures. They work closely with other dental specialists to ensure patients are comfortable and feel safe before and during a dental procedure.  

10. Dental Public Health

These specialists focus on the prevention and control of oral diseases in populations instead of individual patients. They work as a part of community health programs, government agencies, schools, and other settings.  

11. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist

This specialty of dentistry deals with the nature, identification, and management of diseases that cater to the oral and maxillofacial regions. It combines the discipline of pathology with the treatment of diseases.  

12. Oral Medicine

This is the specialty that looks after the oral healthcare requirements of complex patients and the diagnosis of medical-related diseases, disorders, and conditions.  

In Closing

Dental specialties form an integral part of the dental profession. Each specialty focuses on a specific dental area to ensure the right dental care is provided to patients. Each dentist enhances his skillset through a specialty. From orthodontics to public health dentistry, these specialties work together to provide comprehensive care for patients of all ages.  

Post-Pandemic Business Ideas that You Can Consider Now

Although the effects of COVID-19, particularly on the corporate sector, could not have been expected, they have ‌been a tremendous learning opportunity, particularly for budding entrepreneurs. Traditional physical establishments like restaurants, brick-and-mortar stores, and event services have been forced to find innovative solutions to stay afloat because of social distancing and remote work. This has also created a wealth of opportunities for business owners to adapt to the changing needs of their customers. Since entrepreneurs are, by nature, innovative, creative, and risk-takers, starting a company during or right after a pandemic is their forte. Some of them also complete a diploma in business to understand the business world. Moreover, entrepreneurs can fill several niche markets or gaps in the digital market to take advantage of unmet consumer demand and put themselves in a good position in the competitive market. For instance, if they have a bachelor's degree in accounting and finance, they can contribute to sectors such as banking, auditing, investment analysis, and management professions. There are six core elements in business: vision, leadership, management and operations, marketing and sales, money, and culture. These form the core of any successful business today. Here are some excellent ideas to consider, whether you're starting your own business or updating the goods and services you presently provide to meet the needs of a shifting market.  

1. Production of Handmade Items

E-commerce has always held a significant position in the economy. The pandemic demonstrated both the tenacity of online retailers and the desire of the public to purchase from small and local businesses. Online storefronts are the best option for ambitious retailers of handcrafted goods like hand-knitted gloves, infused olive oil, and more. Crafters and craftsmen have a special chance to gain a following on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok and transform their enthusiasm and expertise into a successful company on platforms like Etsy.  

2. Dropshipping Business

Many people are using online shopping options to get easy access to goods and experience convenience. People no longer desire to visit a store, stand in line, and then commute home, just to buy a product. Instead, they anticipate quickly receiving what they want after clicking a button. Dropshipping is a terrific method for profiting from this emerging retail trend. Dropshipping is a tried-and-true business strategy that thrives in any market.   Female seller scanning ecommerce shipping box in dropshipping warehouse  

3. DIY Beauty Products

People learned to adapt by developing their beauty rituals under quarantine when hair and nail salons were closed during the Malaysian Movement Control (MCO). Even when lockdowns have been eased, customers might still be more willing to experiment with novel beauty items while treating themselves at home. Even after the pandemic is over, according to industry analysts, demand for goods that promote holistic well-being and self-care, such as facial creams, essential oils, and aromatherapy, will continue to be strong.  

4. Commercial Cleaning Service

As cleaning and antibacterial goods flew off the shelves in 2020, demand for various corporate cleaning services surged more than ever. Office buildings, restaurants, and other public facilities continue to rely on these service providers to maintain a clean environment and the security of their employees and patrons. With a higher demand, business owners can consider coming up with a service in this space.  

5. Errand and Delivery Services

By 2023, online food delivery services are expected to grow by more than $104 billion, making on-demand delivery a very popular business. Start your own independent courier business, deliver groceries and other necessities, and carry out other duties like collecting prescriptions.   Parcel delivery service  

6. Transcription Service

Listening to voice recordings and turning them into written text is a unique business that has been around for a long time and continues to meet the needs of many businesses. Transcription services are an intriguing online industry primarily employed in the medical sector. The best transcription services use high-quality transcriptions that have been checked by native English speakers for accuracy, spelling, punctuation, and data. Aspired entrepreneurs with a good command of English can start off by taking up transcription work in a freelance setting and then explore options to create their own company.  

Final Takeaways

A bachelor of marketing degree gives graduates the fundamental skills they need to compete in a range of in-demand professions in public and private contexts. These skills include marketing research, social media marketing, and advertising techniques. You can kickstart anything in this new economic environment, from developing in-person interactions to utilizing internet trade. The sky is the limit as long as you practise patience and perseverance. Earning a marketing degree or getting started with a foundation in business is definitely a good start.

How Does Electrical Engineering Impact The World?

Look around your house at every electrical invention ever made. From using electricity for light to the introduction of electric cars, technology is getting better and better every day. Who is behind these inventions? Someone somewhere is making an effort to transform the way we use technology. These are people with an electrical engineering degree who are taking the right steps toward technological development. According to a recent report released by MarketsandMarkets, the global market for electrical engineering is projected to reach $1.2 trillion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 6.2%. The demand for electrical engineers is on the rise since the world is advancing at a rapid pace. Today, electrical engineers have managed to significantly impact the world at large through their contributions across various fields and industries. Be it consumer-centric or business-led, electrical engineers have impacted our world in multiple ways for the better. Here are some ways in which electrical engineers are transforming and impacting the world:  

1. Power Generation

Electrical engineers have played a significant role in designing and building of power plants. These power plants generate electricity from multiple sources like coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, and other renewable energy sources as well.  

2. Transmission and Distribution

Electrical engineers have helped develop the infrastructure required to transmit and distribute electricity to every nook and cranny of home and business. Electrical engineers are responsible for everything from the design and construction of power lines, substations, and transformers.  

3. Telecommunications

Electrical engineers have been at the forefront of developing and improving telecommunication systems across the globe. From the early days of using telegraphs and telephone systems to the advent of mobile phones and internet connectivity, electrical engineers have pioneered in making communication and reliability faster and more convenient.   Engineer Working On Circuit Board  

4. Computing and Information technology

Electrical engineers have played a vital role in modern computing and information technology development. Right from the time the first electronic computers were made to today’s supercomputers and smartphones, electrical engines have not only designed but also built the hardware and software of these devices.  

5. Transportation

Due to the help and advancements put forth by electrical engineers, today, transportation is seen in a completely different light. These engineers have helped design electric motors, battery management systems, and infrastructure requirements to make electric vehicles a viable alternative to gasoline-powered cars.  

6. Medical Technology

When it comes to the design and development of various medical technologies, electrical engineers have played an important role. Today we have managed to experience medical advancements like imaging systems, diagnostic equipment, and prosthetic devices thanks to the developments of electrical engineers. These technologies have helped boost healthcare effectiveness in diagnosing and treating illnesses of various kinds.  

7. Robotics and Automation

Electrical engineers have managed to develop various types of robots and automation systems. The robots are extensive in nature, right from industrial robots that perform various tasks in manufacturing plants to drones and autonomous vehicles that can be used across industries. Electrical engineers have played a major role in making these technologies possible.   Scheme of electrical relay inside housing  

8. Energy Efficiency

Improvements in energy efficiency in the building and industrial processes can be attributed to the efforts of electrical engineers. The tasks include designing and implementing systems that make use of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power as well as developing energy management systems that help buildings and factories use energy in a more efficient manner.  

9. Infrastructure

Electrical engineers look after the design and construction of various types of infrastructure, including but not limited to bridges, tunnels, and highways. The advent of smart cities and the Internet of Things (IoT) can also be attributed to the hard work of electrical engineers.  

10. Consumer Electronics

Today, we use multiple electronic appliances in our household for varied needs. All of these are designed and developed by electrical engineers. Electronics like television, cell phones, laptops, and home appliances have impacted the world drastically. These products have greatly improved the quality of life for people around the world.  


People with a diploma in electronic engineering have greatly impacted the world positively. They have played a vital role in shaping the way the world is perceived today through their contributions to various fields and industries. Their work has led to the development of technologies that have made our lives easier, more convenient, and more connected. Their role in the future is only expected to increase as the demand for technological advancements goes up.

Beef up Health Systems

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the healthcare approaches of patients and medical practitioners. Hence, we should reflect on healthcare highlights in 2022 and discern trends relating to healthcare approaches for patients and practitioners. Accordingly, Dr. Madhumita Sen, Deputy Director of the Clinical Skill Centre at the Faculty of Medicine, has enlisted concerns and trends relating to the pandemic in an article titled, ‘Beef up Health Systems.’ The timely article got featured in the letters to the editor column of NST on 26 January 2023. Click to read

Drawing lessons from Covid pandemic

Many experts expect Covid-19 to become endemic when its presence becomes steady in a region, or at least predictable and manageable like seasonal influenza. However, endemicity does not mean that the virus will disappear. Learn more about Covid-19 and its current state in an article by Professor Dr. Yu Chye Wah and Associate Professor Dr. Chew Heng Hai, both from the Faculty of Allied Health Professions. The article, ‘Drawing lessons from Covid pandemic,’ got featured in the letters to the editor column of NST on 21 January 2023. Click to read

China’s growth will cushion against downturn in Malaysia

With the relaxation of Covid restrictions, ease of financing for its beleaguered property sector, and alleviation of the supply crunch, China is expected to grow at a decent clip of five per cent in 2023. China's growth should cushion against any downturn of Malaysia's growth from slowing domestic consumption, investment, and exports due to the global recession. Learn more about these circumstances in an article by the Vice-Chancellor of AIMST University, Professor Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier. The article got featured in the columnist section of NST on 16 January 2023. Click to read

2022’s big lesson: We need each other

The Russian invasion of Ukraine, containing the spread of Covid-19, and the outcome of the 15th General Election are lessons to be learnt in 2022. These lessons allow us to assess whether we are still on the road to our dreams and how far more we must go. Learn more about it in an article by the Vice-Chancellor of AIMST University, Professor Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier. The article, ‘2022's big lesson: We need each other,’ got featured in the columnist section of NST on 14 January 2023. Click to read