Silver Medal Winner – International Invention & Innovation in Dentistry Exhibition 2020 (IIIDENTEX2020)

Congratulations to Dr. Durga Prasad Mudrakola and Dr. Neeraja Turagam from the Faculty of Dentistry for winning the silver medal in the International Invention & Innovation in Dentistry Exhibition 2020 (IIIDENTEX2020) organized by Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA on 20th October 2020.

The winning project was ‘DIY in Dentistry’ and it was initiated on the fact that time-restricted curriculum and demanding surgical and operative techniques are adding pressure for educators to assist students to achieve the requisite high psychomotor skill levels in a short time frame.

This problem leads to the thought of material for simulation of tissues that replicate gums which are easily available, reusable, and reversible by ‘Doing it Yourself!, a concept that is first of its kind in dentistry.

Please view this video for more details.

Dr. Durga Prasad Mudrakola & Dr. Neeraja Turagam
