Shaping Successful Career Future with AIMST University- BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance

The Faculty of Business and Management (FBM) of AIMST University is organizing an alumni webinar series titled ‘Shaping Successful Career Future with AIMST University- BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance’ at 8 pm on Wednesday, 27th January 2021.

In this webinar, Mr. Kesshigeen Kumar, our alumnus and currently the Customer Manager of TESCO Malaysia, will share his knowledge on the Malaysian retail industry landscape. In general, the webinar shall emphasise the following:

1. Details of the BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance programme
2. Sharing of experiences by the alumnus while at AIMST University
3. The alumnus working experience and his achievements

Please view the brochure for more details and you can view us live on Facebook.

Click the following link to register: Shaping Successful Career Future with AIMST University – Registration Form

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shaping successful career future with AIMST University
