Examining the Lasting Impact of COVID-19 on the Nursing Workforce

portrait of asian nurse in protect face shield

The COVID-19 pandemic had an enormous impact on health and other sectors around the globe. This blog post will look at the long-term effects of COVID-19 on the nursing workforce, including the difficulties they confronted and the coping mechanisms they have used.

Furthermore, several students are planning to start with a diploma in nursing; hence, this information will also be important to them. The article will go through the pandemic’s probable long-term effects on the nursing field and how such changes could affect the field’s future.


Impact of COVID-19 on the Nursing Workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the nursing workforce has also been tremendous. The nursing profession’s general practitioners, clinical services, and support services are important to the healthcare system.

With the increased burden of the pandemic, nurses have been put under immense strain.

During the pandemic, nurses were working long hours, often without breaks, to ensure they could meet the growing demand for services. Since they lacked personal protective equipment, nurses were more likely to contract the illness. For nurses, this had resulted in high stress, worry, and burnout levels.

As a result, some hospitals were understaffed and unable to provide for patients’ fundamental requirements. However, post the pandemic, the situation has resulted in more vacancies for these noble services. Hence, more and more students are considering pursuing a Bachelor of Nursing.


nurse sticking bandage on shoulder


Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 on the Nursing Workforce

The long-term effects of the pandemic on the nursing workforce are wide-ranging. The pandemic had left many nurses feeling overwhelmed, underpaid, and unsupported, resulting in an increased risk of burnout and turnover.

The physical and emotional toll of caring for patients with COVID-19 has taken a significant toll on nurses, as has the lack of resources available to them. This shortage has increased the workload for those remaining, leading to increased stress and fatigue.

Nurses’ mental health has suffered as a result of the pandemic. PTSD and weariness are common reactions to these events. The lack of resources, assistance, and support from patients and employers leads to negative impacts.

Now more than ever, the need to have professionally trained nurses to support the shortage in staff is being felt. If the current shortage is not controlled, it could lead to a long-term shortage of nurses. This could also further compound the existing challenges.

Overall, the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the nursing workforce are likely to be rather pressing. However, there are ways to overcome this through staffing of additional sources.

Hence we see more students being keen to explore this profession from a long-term perspective. Also, it’s a field that will always be in demand in the future.


scrub nurse doctor using digital tonometer


Solutions to Maintain and Improve the Nursing Workforce

Here are some solutions to help maintain and improve the nursing workforce.

1. Better salary options

Increasing wages and offering better benefits can help attract more qualified nurses and encourage current nurses to stay in the profession. This can also boost the number of students with a diploma in nursing.

2. Improve work conditions

Working conditions can be a major factor in a nurse’s decision to stay in the profession. Improving work conditions, such as by providing better support systems, can help to make the job more appealing and reduce turnover.

3. Improve your recruitment and retention

There is a scarcity of nurses, making it challenging to find candidates. Increasing recruitment efforts, such as attending job fairs and using social media, can help attract qualified nurses.

4. Offer flexible schedules

Many nurses have to work long hours, often leading to burnout. A flexible schedule, such as part-time or shift work, can prevent burnout and make a job more appealing.

Implementing these solutions makes it possible to maintain and improve the nursing workforce.


All in All

Nursing is a fulfilling and satisfying profession because it provides opportunities to help people heal and improve their quality of life. It is a rewarding profession that offers a sense of purpose and fulfilment by improving the lives of others.

COVID-19 has significantly impacted the nursing workforce, and this influence will certainly last for years to come.

The good news is that the epidemic has raised attention to the value of nursing personnel as well as the need for more funding and support for nurses.

Additionally, the demand for a Bachelor of Nursing as a course of study for a professional qualification as a nurse has also significantly increased.
