How Business Studies Help You Stay Competitive in the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Women who work in the Office

Finance, accounting, management, marketing, economics, and other business-related subjects are among the most common fields of study at universities worldwide, especially at the graduate level.

You probably know why this is the case – business graduates are in high demand worldwide (even during the Covid-19 Pandemic).


Business impacts almost every aspect of modern society. Business degrees such as an MBA lead to a wide variety of professions that are often well-paid.

Whether you want to work in fashion, finance, or something in between, you can’t do without business if you intend to make a profit. It’s either you hire someone who knows how to run the company or do the work yourself.

Here’s how business studies will help you remain competitive in today’s world.


1. Improve Your Communication Skills

Even though most business practices are now performed virtually, writing a persuasive report or giving a winning pitch, or even writing the correct email, requires outstanding communication skills.

While studying business, you can collaborate on various demanding projects with students from all over the world. Your viewpoints and perceptions may be divergent, and you can also disagree.

To get the grade, you’ll need to evaluate cases, react diplomatically to opposing views, and master the art of persuasion—all these help improve your communication skills which are essential in selling your brand.


Blurred business people on their way from work


2. Marketing: Know Your Target Market

Teachers exchange ideas with students to inspire them, politicians run campaigns to gain popularity, and job applicants must sell their qualifications to get hired.

Making your concept (or application) stand out is not an easy task, but business studies will help you understand your target audience and how to relate to them creatively.

This will come in handy if you’re trying to get buy-in from your friends or investors, whether you own or work for a company.


3. Budgeting and Accounting

Owing to bad financial management, sometimes even great companies struggle to thrive. Don’t be put off by financial principles if you want to start your own company.

Now that people are forced to start a business due to global downsizing, business studies will teach you the fundamentals of budgeting and accounting, allowing you to feel confident and prepared to improve your company’s results.


4. Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur

Students are increasingly attending business school to learn how to start their dream company. Being your boss has a lot of advantages and is becoming increasingly important in today’s world.

On the other hand, being a good entrepreneur, necessitates ingenuity, innovation, and a solid execution plan. Attending the right business school will help you grow your entrepreneurial skills and test your ideas.

Who knows, maybe in class you will find your potential business partner.


5. Investment and Finance Helps You Understand How the World Works

Financial loans are an option for several large transactions, such as purchasing a home, a car, or paying for a business school degree. How do you know when it’s safe to take out a loan?

Similarly, you may want to invest in stocks, shares, or real estate at some stage in your life. What do you put your money into, and what considerations should you think about?

A business Bachelor’s degree or an MBA will provide you with a solid understanding of basic economic concepts, how global issues impact economies, and how to evaluate a company’s financial health.

This, when combined, will assist you in making more informed investment decisions and, eventually, how to increase your return on investment.


Business presentation


6. Project Management Skills

Are you interested in managing large-scale projects? A business degree will help you improve your project management skills, whether you work in the music industry, the military, or the non-profit sector.

Working on real-world business issues will show you how to solve problems and prioritize resources using an analytical, cost-effective approach.


In a Nutshell

Business studies in several fields, including marketing, economics, finance, etc., will help you stay relevant even during a pandemic.

Whether you intend to start a business or work for an existing company, your knowledge and degree in business studies will give you an edge in any industry.

For more information regarding a foundation in business, business degree or MBA, feel free to get in touch with our friendly counsellors.
