Interest rate hike necessitates continued expansionary policies

The economic fortunes of the nation are determined by the current monetary policy of the United States, China's policy on Covid and massive lockdowns, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and the rising oil prices. This combination of events will undoubtedly see the nation's inflation soar ahead of the current level. Learn more about it in an op-ed by Professor Datuk Dr John Antony Xavier, Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive of AIMST University. The article, ‘Interest rate hike necessitates continued expansionary policies,’ got featured in the columnist section of NST on 12 April 2022. Click here to read.

The art and science of nursing

According to the Dean of Faculty of Allied Health Professions, AIMST University, Associate Professor Dr Yu Chye Wah, nursing is as much an art as science. A successful nurse cannot have one without the other. Therefore, it is vital to balance the artistic and scientific aspects of nursing. Dr Yu has enlisted five strategies to forge an integration of the art and science of nursing for better patient outcomes in an article titled, 'The art and science of nursing.' It got featured in the 'Letters to the Editor' section of NST on 29 March 2022. Click here to read.

Simple rule in living with Covid: Protect yourself to protect others

Living with Covid-19 is about taking personal and social responsibility seriously while pursuing day-to-day activities. Taking personal responsibility means keeping ourselves from getting Covid-19. Learn more about it through an article on ‘Simple rule in living with Covid: Protect yourself to protect others’ by the Director of the Clinical Skills Centre (CSC), AIMST University, Associate Professor Dr. Patrick Tan Kee Seng. The article got featured in the columnist section of NST on 28 March 2022. Click here to read.

Govt’s expansionary policies slowed the impact of supply chain disruptions

The increasingly protectionist tendencies of nations, the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have amplified the fractures in global supply chains. As Malaysia relies on imported raw materials, supply chain and oil supply disruption raise the cost of imports. However, being a net exporter of oil and the increase of palm oil prices and the government's expansionary policies, the impact of supply chain disruptions has been minimal. Read more about this in an op-ed by Professor Datuk Dr John Antony Xavier, Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive of AIMST University. The article, 'Govt's expansionary policies slowed the impact of supply chain disruptions', got featured in the columnist section of NST on 25 March 2022. Click here to read.

The four paragons of grit in the book of life that students must emulate

The pandemic has posed significant challenges and caused anxiety due to uncertainties about the future. In these circumstances, students are also not exempted. Dr. Shivali Shamsher, Senior Lecturer at the Anaesthesiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, AIMST University, has discussed the four paragons of grit that students must emulate to face uncertainness in an article that got featured in the columnists section of NST on 19 March 2022. Read more about it in an article titled, ‘The four paragons of grit in the book of life that students must emulate.’ Click here to read.

Emphasise economic, environmental and healthcare sustainability

Economic, environmental and healthcare sustainability has to be addressed to ensure the health needs of future generations. In line with this, the Director of the Clinical Skills Centre (CSC), AIMST University, Associate Professor Dr Patrick Tan Kee Seng, has suggested three aspects that healthcare facilities must champion to achieve sustainability by engaging its staff, patients and the community. Read more about it in an article titled ‘Emphasise economic, environmental and healthcare sustainability.’ The article got featured in the columnists section of NST on 13 March 2022. Click here to read.

Adapt to environment, social and governance concerns or become obsolete

Businesses have focused on making profits so that they may remain financially sustainable. However, with emerging concerns over the environment, social and (corporate) governance, or ESG, businesses are worried about how they can contribute to environmental, social protection, and good governance. Learn how companies can achieve financial and environmental sustainability and emphasise ESG in their operations in a write-up by Professor Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier, Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive of AIMST University. The article ‘Adapt to environment, social and governance concerns or become obsolete’ got featured in the columnist section of NST on 28 February 2022. Click here to read.

Focus on specialised healthcare areas to create new sources of revenue

The Director of the Clinical Skills Centre (CSC), AIMST University, Associate Professor Dr Patrick Tan Kee Seng, has enlisted the challenges faced by Malaysia and its healthcare sector while coping with the effects of the pandemic and the nation's financial constraints. He has also suggested diversifying healthcare-related courses and emphasised the importance of creating a resilient workforce of dedicated and talented people to achieve sustainability. Learn more about it in an article titled 'Focus on specialised healthcare areas to create new sources of revenue,' which got featured in the columnists section of NST on 22 February 2022. Click here to read and get to know more about CSC at here

Five ways to manage acute, chronic pain

Pain is a personal experience. It varies among individuals, and pain is classified into acute and chronic pain. Acute pain, if left untreated, can lead to chronic pain. Dr. Shivali Shamhser, Senior Lecturer at the Anaesthesiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, has enlisted five ways to prevent acute pain from becoming chronic pain in an article on ‘Five ways to manage acute, chronic pain.’ The article got featured in the ‘Letters to the Editor’ column of NST on 4 February 2022. Click here to read and learn more about our Faculty of Medicine at here

Employer-employee relations key to business sustainability

For an organisation to be sustainable, the human workforce must be resilient. When employees know that the organisation's sustainability is their current survival and the survival of their future career, they will develop resilience. Associate Professor Dr. Patrick Tan, Director of the Clinical Skills Centre (CSC), Faculty of Medicine, AIMST University, has suggested ways HR leadership can regularly engage and communicate with the employees to develop resilience. Learn more about it in an article titled 'Employer-employee relations key to business sustainability,' which got featured in the ‘Letters to the Editor' column of NST on 2 February 2022. Click here to read.

Varsities can survive by promoting sustainability

Embedding sustainability in a university's operations while cultivating sustainable behaviour among its academe and community is a way to align education and research to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. Besides, ESG is a vehicle by which a university can demonstrate its service to society. The Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive of AIMST University, Professor Datuk Dr John Antony Xavier, has suggested several ways a university can discharge its mission to solve ESG concerns in an article titled 'Varsities can survive by promoting sustainability.' The article got featured in the columnist section of NST on 25 January 2022. Click here to read.


AIMST University Library is pleased to announce the launch of its new and improvised Library Portal on 24th January 2022. The new portal is designed to enhance user experience with the latest features, which are more user-friendly and easier to access. Accordingly, the new features at the homepage of the Library Portal are as follows:

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