5 Ways for Students to adjust to New norms in Campus

As universities reopen next month, we feel most for our students who have been confined to learning from home for the greater part of the last 18 months. Most have adjusted to that, but a certain amount of trepidation and anxiety may present itself for some. Dr. Saraswathi Bina Rai, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine AIMST University, has developed five strategies for students to head back to campus for in-person classes safely. The article on ‘5 ways for students to adjust to new norms in campus’ got featured in the columnist section of NST on 30 September 2021. Click HERE  to read

By Embracing tech, Health workers remain Relevant

The ubiquitous use of computer technologies in numerous sectors, such as the Internet of things, robotics, augmented and virtual reality, cloud computing and many more, has changed how we live and work. These technologies have created opportunities for sustainability and improvement in the health sector. Associate Professor Dr. Yu Chye Wah, Dean of Faculty of Allied Health Professions, AIMST University, has outlined five strategies to prepare healthcare workers to be more resilient against the onslaught of these disruptive technologies in an article titled ‘By embracing tech, health workers remain relevant’. The article got featured in the columnists section of NST on 20 September 2021. Click HERE to read.

Learning from Whitney Houston’s Song

'Learning from Whitney Houston's song' is an article by Associate Professor Dr. Saraswathi Bina Rai from the Faculty of Medicine AIMST University. According to her, climate change and global warming are not just words plucked out of thin air and thrown around to make one look erudite but instead are significant and require attention. In line with this, she had listed four strategies that can make a compoundable difference to protect the environment. The article got featured in the 'Letters to the Editor' column of NST on 20 September 2021. Click HERE to read.

Malaysia Producing Cholera Vaccine, Clinical trial by Year-End

Malaysia producing cholera vaccine, clinical trial by year-end: Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology (AIMST University) and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) will conduct clinical trials at the end of this year. Click HERE to read more on the development.

Coping with Covid-19 in the Endemic Phase

Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Chairman of AIMST University's Covid-19 Task Force, Senior Professor Ravichandran Manikam, has contributed an article titled 'Coping with Covid-19 in the endemic phase'. As the title implies, he has enlisted the benefits of the Covid-19 vaccination and strategies to ensure our health and mental wellbeing in the endemic phase in addition to vaccination. The article got featured in the columnists section of NST on 15 September 2021. Click HERE to read.

How will Varsities Survive another Tough Year

‘How will varsities survive another tough year?’ is an article by Professor Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier, the Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive of AIMST University. According to him, three waves have shaken up the staid higher education landscape: migration to online learning, the decline in revenues and the disruptive wave that shakes the purpose of the university to the core. Hence, universities must find ways to reinvent themselves as they are vulnerable to change. The timely article got featured in the columnist section of NST on 14 September 2021. Click HERE to read.

Colours and Emotions

Colours and emotions are closely related. They can make us feel happy, sad, hungry and relaxed, or even influence our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Chromotherapy, or colour therapy, is the science of using colours to adjust body vibrations to frequencies that result in health and harmony. Read more about colours and their wonders in an article by Dr. Theingi Maung Maung, Associate Professor at the Community Medicine Unit of AIMST University. The article titled ‘The wonder of power in colour’ was featured in the ‘Letters to the Editor’ column of NST on 11 September 2021. Click HERE  to read.

Covid-19 Pandemic and the Migration

The Covid-19 pandemic and the migration to online learning have given rise to emotional states such as anxiety, fear, frustration, and disappointment, impacting how students learn today. Associate Professor Dr. Leela Anthony, Deputy Dean for Research, Postgraduate & Administration at the Faculty of Medicine AIMST University, has outlined four strategies to create an emotionally safe environment for optimum learning. The write-up titled ‘How to Manage Students’ Emotion’ was featured in the ‘Letters to Editor’ column of NST on 6 September 2021. Click HERE  to read.

Eye Care During the Pandemic

Eye care during the pandemic is vital because almost everything is being done remotely using gadgets, including online learning, from kindergarten to school to higher education. Prolonged use of digital devices may lead to ‘computer vision syndrome’ or ‘digital eye strain’ comprising eye and vision-related problems. If untreated, this can lead to aesthenopic conditions.
Dr. Christina Gellknight, Senior Associate Professor and Head of Department of Ophthalmology at AIMST University, have suggested five strategies to take good care of the eyes during this pandemic. The article on ‘Eye care during a pandemic’ appeared in the ‘Letters to Editor' column of NST on 28 August 2021. Click HERE to read.

Mucormycosis or Dubbed as the ‘Black Fungus’

Dr. Veena Naik, an associate professor in Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry AIMST University, has written on the Mucormycosis or dubbed as the ‘black fungus.’ It is a rare but opportunistic fungal infection with a high morbidity and mortality rate. Together, she had suggested solutions to prevent black fungus infection. The said article, ‘Oral hygiene is key to keeping black fungus at bay’ got featured in the columnist section of NST on 19 August 2021. Click HERE to read.

Helping Children Make Up Lost Ground Due to School Closures

‘Helping children make up lost ground due to school closures’ is an article by Professor Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier, the Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive of AIMST University. As the title goes, schools, parents, and the government have a significant role in making up for the lost ground caused by school closures during the Covid-19 pandemic. The article got featured in the columnist section of NST on 18 August 2021.   Click HERE to read.

Maintaining Our Daily Living Routines

Maintaining our daily living routines and connecting with others are among the six strategies to cope with the prolonged uncertainties during the Covid-19 pandemic. The strategies were outlined in an article titled ‘Six strategies to help us cope with prolonged uncertainties’ by Dr. Shivali Shamsher, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine AIMST University. It got featured in the columnist section of NST on 15 August 2021. Click HERE to read.