Electrical vs. Electronic Engineering: What are the Differences?

Both fields of engineering may sound similar, but they are quite distinct. Both engineerings involve transferring electricity to power useful products and machines around a circuit. But that is where the similarity ends. Although the same type of work can often be performed by an electrical engineer and an electronic engineer, the distinctions between these disciplines are a matter of scope. The broader aspect of electrical engineering encompasses computer engineering and other fields, such as power systems, signal processing, and communications. Usually, electronic engineering focuses more directly on electronic system design, optimization, and management. Although knowledge of networks and power systems may be useful, electronic engineers are not as widely focused on these areas.  

What to Expect in a Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering?

If you are interested in electrical devices' operation and have a strong interest in mathematics and science, and probably some necessary engineering skills, then a degree (bachelor's or diploma) in electrical or electronic engineering may be something you should consider. Although technological expertise is essential, electrical engineers are often involved, often within teams, in designing and constructing various devices. An electrical engineering degree at bachelor or diploma level would seek to provide students with a basic knowledge in the underlying concepts of electronic and electrical engineering that would enable them to specialize in a field of interest later in the course. A degree in any of these fields will give you a fascinating insight into how electrical devices and technology work. It's not hard to see how this can be an extremely valuable degree in the future expected to be full of new electrical technologies. In several fields, including electronics, signal processing, power engineering, mechatronics, and engineering management, your degree studies will provide you with sound technical knowledge. There will usually be a lot of hands-on, practical learning alongside theoretical learning to ensure that when you graduate, you are prepared for full-time engineering work. In Malaysia, you'll have several career opportunities with a diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. What you choose depends on what you are interested in the most. Career options include aerospace, telecommunications, robotics, broadcasting, computer engineering, nuclear engineering, or system analytics.   Production line of plastic industry  

Job Descriptions of an Electrical Engineer

In areas ranging from 5G networks to climate change and energy efficiency, the job of electrical engineers encompasses these industries and more. They work on projects such as the design of renewable energy, power distribution, and storage networks, or better control systems for other essential infrastructures. Services of electrical engineers include:
  • Generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power
  • Manufacture of navigational, calculating, electromedical, and control instruments
  • Physical, engineering, and life science research and development
  • Semiconductor and other fabrication of electronic components

Job Descriptions of an Electronic Engineer

Electronic engineers are mostly responsible for developing and optimizing components for electrical devices and structures in different industries. In addition to designing consumer hardware products, electronic engineers may also be active in government, healthcare, and military programs. In a healthcare setting, for instance, to ensure regulatory enforcement, they are also responsible for testing and troubleshooting electrical equipment. Services of electronic engineers include:
  • Telecommunication
  • Semiconductor and other fabrication of electronic components
  • Manufacture of navigational, calculating, electromedical, and control instruments
  Quality inspection


In a Nutshell

All this means that electrical and electronic engineers have a large and increasing job market. They are also at the forefront of future innovation. Therefore, as an electrical or electronic engineer, you can earn a good salary in whatever industry you choose to work in, especially if you become a chartered engineer. Students interested in studying the programme can get a bachelor's or diploma in electronics and electrical engineering at AIMST University.

Sharing Expertise Can Boost Scoliosis Treatment

AIMST University's Faculty of Allied Health Professions (FAHP) Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yu Chye Wah and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chew Heng Hai, adjunct research & innovation consultant of FAHP have jointly written an article on ‘Sharing expertise can boost scoliosis treatment’. According to them, scoliosis treatment has its limitations. Furthermore, poor patient compliance and a standard regime for a relatively wide range of scoliosis contribute to a poor prognosis. To overcome this, they have suggested four ways to spare the patients from pain and agony. The article was published on 1st January 2021 in the ‘Letters’ section of the News Straits Times (NST). Click https://www.nst.com.my/.../sharing-expertise-can-boost... to read.

Dentists May Use 5A Approach on Smokers

Associate Professor Dr. Hasnah Hashim from the Dental Public Health Department, Faculty of Dentistry, AIMST University has contributed her opinion on tobacco cessation efforts using the 5As approach. She has also highlighted the existence of the Dental Centre of AIMST University and the role of the University’s Dental Public Health Unit in providing counselling and support to smokers who wish to quit smoking. The article, titled ‘Dentists may use 5A approach on smokers’ was published on 31st December 2020 in the ‘Letters’ section of the News Straits Times (NST). Click https://www.nst.com.my/.../dentists-may-use-5a-approach... to read.

AIMST University’s strength and uniqueness

A comprehensive article regarding AIMST University's strength and uniqueness was published in the China Press newspaper on 27 December 2020. The article featured our Honourable Vice-Chancellor Prof. Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier and the Director of Clinical Skills Centre (CSC), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Patrick Tan Kee Seng. Please click https://www.chinapress.com.my to read the article. We have also provided the translation of the article in English language. Click here to read...

AIMST University pharmacy students grab Malaysian Pharmacy Students’ Association (MyPSA) awards

AIMST University pharmacy students grab Malaysian Pharmacy Students' Association (MyPSA) awards Heartiest congratulations to Mr. Ong Jian Hong and Ms. Tan Shing Je for winning the Malaysian Pharmacy Students' Association (MyPSA) Best Contact Person Award 2019/20 and Best Student Award 2019/20 respectively. We would also like to congratulate the members of the Pharmaceutical Society of AIMST University (PHARMSA) for being awarded the MyPSA Best Society IPTS Award 2019/20. It is indeed a proud moment for the staff and students of AIMST University and particularly for the members of Faculty of Pharmacy (FOP). This achievement is undeniably the result of their hard work and perseverance. Today’s success is the beginning of tomorrow’s achievement. Congratulations again and well done!! #MyPSA #AIMST #Pharmacy

What is the R0 and why is it down when Malaysia’s Covid-19 cases are up?

A RECAP: What is the R0 and why is it down when Malaysia’s Covid-19 cases are up? Community medicine expert explains Let’s read what Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saraswathi Bina Rai has to say about the basic reproduction number (R0) of Covid-19 in Malaysia. Dr. Bina is a member of AIMST University’s Faculty of Medicine (Community Medicine Unit) and was formerly the Head of Penang Epidemiology Intelligence Programme Unit, Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH). The article titled ‘What is the R0 and why is it down when Malaysia’s Covid-19 cases are up? Community medicine expert explains’ was published in the Malay Mail on 11th November 2020. Click https://www.malaymail.com/.../what-is-the-r0-and.../1921422 to read. #COVID19 #moh #aimst

Higher education should be relevant to the real world

The COVID-19 pandemic deluged the staid higher-education system with a welcome tsunami and this calls for universities to adapt and prepare their students for the future. AIMST University’s Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive, Prof. Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier has written an opinion piece describing explicitly the advantages that can be gained by university lecturers and students during the pandemic. In addition, he suggested that universities should adapt and prepare their students for the future and their education model should be forward-looking and relevant to the real world.

The opinion piece, ‘Higher education should be relevant to the real world’ was published in the News Straits Times (NST) on 16th December 2020. Click https://www.nst.com.my/…/higher-education-should-be-relevan… to read. #COVID19 #highereducation #NST #aimst

Propels to Provide High Quality Education to Students

An article titled ‘AIMST University- Propels to Provide High Quality Education to Students’ is featured in the November 2020 issue of the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) newsletter. The article which appeared on pages 13-15 is in addition to an article on AIMST University published in the October 2020 issue. AIMST University has again reiterated collaborative initiatives with MIDA on the way forward to ensure its graduates have high economic value that meets the demand of highly skilled human capital and to achieve their desired careers through its high quality accredited undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in medicine, health sciences, engineering, applied sciences, business, and accountancy.
Click to read the full content from MIDA website.

Simulation the Way Forward in Healthcare Education

  The Director of AIMST University’s Clinical Skills Centre (CSC), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Patrick Tan Kee Seng has written an article regarding the utilisation of clinical simulation facility and programmes which focus on patient safety and how it enhances the effectiveness of clinical teaching involving real patients. The advancement in technology, especially in healthcare-related education and the knowledge and expertise in clinical simulation, has made it possible for educators and students worldwide to embrace the challenges created by the "new norms in education" during the pandemic.

AIMST very own Clinical Skills Centre was established as an avenue for medical students to use mannequins and human simulators, to acquire supervised clinical skills training and practice procedures necessary for clinical competency. The article titled ‘Simulation the way forward in healthcare education’ was published in the columnist section of the News Straits Times (NST) on 12th December 2020. Click Simulation the way forward in healthcare education to read the article and know more about AIMST University’s Clinical Skills Centre.

AIMST Gets New Vice-Chancellor

An article featuring AIMST University’s Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive, Professor Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier was published in The Star newspaper on Sunday, 6 December 2020. Click AIMST gets new VC to read more.

‘Year-End Online Resources Quiz’ organized by Library AIMST

‘𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫-𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐳’ Dear AIMST students and staff, In creating awareness of Library Online Resources and to enhance the usage, AIMST University’s Library is organising ‘Year-End Online Resources Quiz’ from 14th-18th December 2020 (Monday-Friday). All AIMST students and staff (academic & non-academic) are cordially invited to participate in this quiz and we look forward to your enthusiastic participation and support!!! Please view the brochure for more details and for enquiries, please call Ms. Mary Theresa at 04-4298445 (Only AIMST students and staff are eligible to participate in this quiz) #quiz #library #aimst

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Visit by Mont Royale College Officials

The Managing Director of Mont Royale College (MRC), Mr. Sugumaran Chellaya, and his entourage have visited AIMST University on 11th December 2020. The visit was to deliberate on possible areas of strategic collaboration between AIMST University and MRC.
Mr. Sugumaran Chellaya presented on MRC and had a productive dialogue with AIMST officials, headed by the Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive, Prof. Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier, the Registrar, Senior Associate Prof. Dr. Kathiresan Sathasivam, Mr. Megat Nazahar, Director of Business Development, Dean and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management and other key members of the University.
The meeting also discussed the common area of interest for collaboration related to Business and Management programmes between MRC and AIMST University. Both AIMST University and MRC officials were very pleased with the meeting and hope the proposed collaboration will materialise soon.