What is Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy?
When one is affected by accident, disease, or by developmental or other impairment, physiotherapy helps restore mobility and function as close to normal as possible. Physiotherapists are graduates who have studied physiotherapy courses at the university and have a degree in physiotherapy.
What is Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy?
Musculoskeletal physiotherapy is a specialized procedure for physical therapy in patients who have signs of a musculoskeletal condition or are treated for a musculoskeletal disorder. Through daily treatment sessions, musculoskeletal physiotherapy helps the patient heal faster from their illness and to build coping mechanisms to help the patient during the healing phase and avoid the occurrence of secondary problems. Injuries that can be treated by musculoskeletal physiotherapy include:- Ligament sprains
- Muscle strains
- Arthritis
- Cartilage tears
- Pre and post-surgery rehabilitation
- Fracture rehabilitation
- Back pain
Musculoskeletal Disorder
Any fracture, damage, or pain in the muscle tissue, joints, nerves, ligaments, tendons, and muscle or skeletal structures of the body that support the limbs or the back are musculoskeletal disorders. Almost any part of the body can be affected by musculoskeletal disorders, from the back and neck to the arms, hands, and feet. This disorder can be caused by large objects being lifted incorrectly, repetitive pressure, or direct injury or trauma. Carpal tunnel syndrome, ligament sprains, muscle strains, different kinds of arthritis, cartilage tears, post-operative recovery, back ailments, and bone fracture rehabilitation are examples of musculoskeletal conditions be treated with musculoskeletal physiotherapy.
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists
Specialists in the assessment and care of patients with musculoskeletal conditions such as tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome are known as musculoskeletal physiotherapists. These specialists can be bachelor's degree holders in physiotherapy. Musculoskeletal physiotherapists have specialized experience in directly relevant therapies and procedures for musculoskeletal conditions, and most may hold a higher degree in physiotherapy, such as a Master's. Most musculoskeletal physiotherapists find that their patients specifically suffer from problems with the muscles and joints, often causing back and neck pain. The treatment options a Musculoskeletal physiotherapist can use include:- Manipulation and manual therapy
- Massage
- Exercise therapy
- Electrotherapy
- Coping strategies and self-management techniques
- Pain management
- Optimise healing
- Speed the recovery process
- Increase strength
- Restore normal movement
- Decrease pain
- Decrease swelling and inflammation
- Increase independence

How Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Helps?
Musculoskeletal physiotherapy contributes, in a variety of ways, to patient rehabilitation and enhanced quality of life.- Improves the strength and flexibility of muscles
- Improves motion, ease, and movement quality
- Enhances coordination and movement control
- Relieves or entirely removes pain
- Helps the patient develop coping mechanisms to help them with discomfort during the healing process or difficulties while performing regular movements
- Helps you meet physical activity or wellness goals
- Teaches and consolidates safe ways of moving to decrease the risk of potential musculoskeletal disorders
- Helps a patient begin his rehabilitation at home or the gym, a musculoskeletal physiotherapist will formulate a home physiotherapy program. When he has recovered, they may also devise a maintenance programme to ensure that you continue to benefit from your physical therapy
- Ultimately, musculoskeletal physiotherapy will accelerate your recovery and allow you to return as soon as possible to regular activities
- Reduces inflammation and swelling
- Boosts the everyday degree of autonomy and self-sufficiency of the patient
In a Nutshell
When the physiotherapist is putting together his or her recovery plan, the patient's diagnosis and a specific set of symptoms will be considered. Students interested in studying the course at the university can enrol in the programme to earn their bachelor's degree in physiotherapy.The 5 Stages of Vaccine Development
The development of vaccines is usually a lengthy, complicated process, typically 15 years long and requiring a combination of public and private engagement. Medical practitioners across different medical fields such as biotechnology, pharmacy, etc. are involved in different stages of vaccine development. The five stages involved in the production of vaccines include:
- Exploratory
- Preclinical
- Clinical development
- Approval
- Pharmacovigilance
How Do Vaccines Work?
Vaccines work by imitating the bacteria or viruses responsible for the disease. Vaccination works by stimulating the body's immune system without allowing the disease to set up defences against the infectious bacteria or virus. The sections of the infectious organism recognised by the immune system are extraneous to the body and are considered antigens. Vaccination exposes certain antigens to the bloodstream. Some vaccines contain weaker copies of a virus or bacteria, and others contain only a fraction of the virus or bacteria. Some vaccines only contain a certain protein's genetic material and lead the body to produce a limited amount of that protein. The body's immune system, if it recognizes this antigen, responds defensively. After vaccination, when the body meets the actual disease-causing bacteria or viruses, the immune system is prepared to respond rapidly and aggressively.
Five Stages of Vaccine Development
Stage1: The Exploratory Stage (Takes usually 2-4 Years)
This is where laboratory testing is conducted to identify an antigen (a substance capable of stimulating an immune response to help the body develop antibodies). A variety of compounds, including virus-like spores, weakened viruses or bacteria, weakened bacterial toxins, or other substances originating from pathogens, can be made up of antigens.Stage 2: Pre-Clinical (Takes usually 1-2 years)
Different experiments are conducted on cells, tissues, and animals at this level. This decides the efficacy of the vaccine, how to administer the vaccine, the patient's effective dosage, and how effectively it contributes to an immune reaction (immunogenicity). These experiments are conducted to guarantee that testing the vaccine in humans is genuinely safe and to check that it cannot cause significant harm to patients. Not all vaccines make it to the clinical level after testing.Stage 3: Clinical Development
After a vaccine has been approved to progress to the clinical stage, it is safe for human testing. This process can be broken down into three sub-phases, namely Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III.Phase I (Takes usually 2 years)
The first phase usually entails the vaccine being administered to about 20-80 volunteers. The aim is to assess the vaccine's efficacy, side effects, sufficient dosing, and immune response. The aim is to check if the vaccine is performing as expected. The question to be answered is: did the vaccine prevent the disease, and did it produce antibodies?Phase II (Take usually 2-3 Years)
The vaccine will proceed to Phase II if the answer to the question in phase I is positive. A wider group (usually hundreds) of volunteers are included in this phase. Volunteers are randomly chosen to obtain either the new vaccine or a placebo (saline solution, a vaccine for another illness, or some other substance). The aim is to begin tracking the efficacy of the vaccine, the doses of the vaccine, the duration of the immunization, and the delivery mode of the vaccine. The method of administration could be oral, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intradermal, or intranasal.Phase III Stages (Takes usually 5-10 Years)
Like phase II, this third phase will involve a larger group of people, usually tens of thousands of volunteers. The volunteers are randomly assigned to the experimental or placebo group. The primary purpose is to test the vaccine's efficacy and safety in a much greater group of individuals, especially in the population for which the vaccine is intended. In a larger group of individuals, it is possible to detect a rare side effect than in a smaller group.
Stage 4: Approval
The sponsor of the vaccine follows an approval process after a vaccine has successfully passed phase III trials. The vaccine is approved by the governing authority only if it is safe and reliable, and the benefits outweigh the risks it may pose to the patients.Stage 5: Pharmacovigilance
Once the vaccine is available to the public, the vaccine manufacturer continues to monitor the vaccine's efficacy to avoid any adverse events. To ensure that the vaccine is healthy for the public, the governing authority will also monitor the entire production process.In a Nutshell
Those are the five stages involved in the development of vaccines for the disease. Professionals in different medical fields such as biotechnology, pharmacy, etc. are involved in the stages of vaccine development. Upon approval, frontliners such as doctors and nurses in particular will stand at the frontline to administer the vaccine. In the midst of COVID-19, many individuals in the medical field are contributing greatly to the fight against the deadly disease to save the world. Are you interested in courses that lead to a rewarding healthcare career? AIMST University offers various healthcare courses such as diploma in nursing, MBBS course, Bachelor of Pharmacy and more. For more information, feel free to get in touch with our helpful and friendly counsellors.Microbiology vs. Biochemistry: Which is better?
Biochemistry and microbiology are the foundation of life sciences. The relationship between these disciplines is that they are involved in the study of life. Both courses are just as crucial in their respective fields and have significant scope for higher education, jobs, and research. However, the curriculum and scope of the study are widely separated.
For instance, at AIMST University, Biochemistry and Microbiology as a postgraduate study are entirely research-based. The programmes are divided according to the research areas/expertise: medical biochemistry, bioinformatics, genetic engineering, traditional medicines, and oncology.
Microbiology is divided according to the research areas/expertise in the following areas: medical bacteriology, medical virology, medical mycology, medical biotechnology, medical biosensors, bioinformatics, and genetic engineering.
Both sciences are equally vital to the human race as well as the universe. However, what makes them unique involves two factors: educational background and duties.
The Educational Background of a Biochemist
To become a biochemist, one must have at least a bachelor's degree in chemistry or biochemistry. Biochemistry programmes also involve math, biology, and computer science. Typically, those interested in independent research or teaching go on to earn a PhD. It takes another four to six years of school, including a dissertation comprising original research, to earn your doctorate.Duties of a Biochemist
The typical projects of biochemists may include researching the nutritional value of foods or the effect on biological processes of drugs or hormones. The majority of biochemists spend a good amount of time isolating and synthesizing proteins, enzymes, and other biomolecules in the laboratory. Other duties include applying for grants, writing reports and research papers, and making recommendations based on their research to their employers or the public.The Education Background of a Microbiologist
The requirement for working as a microbiologist is a bachelor's degree in biology or microbiology. Undergraduate microbiology programmes will have biology, biochemistry, microbial genetics, microbial physiology, environmental microbiology, and virology. If you are interested in research or going up to a supervisory position, a master's degree or a doctorate is required.Duties of a Microbiologist
In general, microbiologists' roles relate to the study of the characteristics of microorganisms and, in particular, how they relate to human ecology. Specific duties include the isolation and maintenance of bacterial or other cultures, detecting microorganisms collected from water, food, humans, and other sources. Microbiologists also study the effects of microorganisms on plants, animals, and humans. To develop new medical treatments, some microbiologists collaborate with biochemists, pharmacologists, and other scientists.
Why Biochemistry May Be Better for You?
- For students interested in studying the chemical composition of living organisms, Biochemistry may be an excellent course to study. If you understand the fundamental concepts of Biology and Chemistry, you should opt for this course.
- The course is taught with real-life applications in mind. It includes laboratory work and activities and projects geared towards science.
- Biochemistry is a specialized life science course with significant contributions in other fields like medical and healthcare, agriculture, science, and technology, forensic, etc.
- The demand for biochemists to conduct laboratory tests and experiments for the manufacture of medicine, chemical products, etc., is strong due to expanding healthcare, agriculture, and industries.
Why Microbiology May Be Better for You?
- Microbiology is an excellent option for students who are interested in studying different microorganisms and their pathogenic potential.
- Microbiology is a career-driven curriculum that encourages learners to shape their intellect to conduct study and experimentation.
- Candidates with a degree in Microbiology are in demand in Malaysia and beyond in various fields such as medicine, pharmacy farming, food industry, science, environment, etc.
- After getting a degree in Microbiology, graduates can go for a master's degree in a related field or get a job in the pharmaceutical industry, laboratories, food industry, etc.
- Graduates of Microbiology are in high demand to contain different forms of diseases caused by microorganisms.
In a Nutshell
Finally, you need to understand that both programmes offer promising career opportunities, and ultimately, your choice would be based on what you like. Moreover, keep in mind that all life science subjects are complementary to each other. Therefore, whichever you choose, you need to have a good foundation of knowledge of all subjects to understand life science, which can be acquired from a foundation in science programme. For more information on these programmes, feel free to get in touch with our helpful and friendly counsellors.Electrical vs. Electronic Engineering: What are the Differences?
Both fields of engineering may sound similar, but they are quite distinct. Both engineerings involve transferring electricity to power useful products and machines around a circuit. But that is where the similarity ends. Although the same type of work can often be performed by an electrical engineer and an electronic engineer, the distinctions between these disciplines are a matter of scope. The broader aspect of electrical engineering encompasses computer engineering and other fields, such as power systems, signal processing, and communications. Usually, electronic engineering focuses more directly on electronic system design, optimization, and management. Although knowledge of networks and power systems may be useful, electronic engineers are not as widely focused on these areas.
What to Expect in a Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering?
If you are interested in electrical devices' operation and have a strong interest in mathematics and science, and probably some necessary engineering skills, then a degree (bachelor's or diploma) in electrical or electronic engineering may be something you should consider. Although technological expertise is essential, electrical engineers are often involved, often within teams, in designing and constructing various devices. An electrical engineering degree at bachelor or diploma level would seek to provide students with a basic knowledge in the underlying concepts of electronic and electrical engineering that would enable them to specialize in a field of interest later in the course. A degree in any of these fields will give you a fascinating insight into how electrical devices and technology work. It's not hard to see how this can be an extremely valuable degree in the future expected to be full of new electrical technologies. In several fields, including electronics, signal processing, power engineering, mechatronics, and engineering management, your degree studies will provide you with sound technical knowledge. There will usually be a lot of hands-on, practical learning alongside theoretical learning to ensure that when you graduate, you are prepared for full-time engineering work. In Malaysia, you'll have several career opportunities with a diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. What you choose depends on what you are interested in the most. Career options include aerospace, telecommunications, robotics, broadcasting, computer engineering, nuclear engineering, or system analytics.
Job Descriptions of an Electrical Engineer
In areas ranging from 5G networks to climate change and energy efficiency, the job of electrical engineers encompasses these industries and more. They work on projects such as the design of renewable energy, power distribution, and storage networks, or better control systems for other essential infrastructures. Services of electrical engineers include:- Generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power
- Manufacture of navigational, calculating, electromedical, and control instruments
- Physical, engineering, and life science research and development
- Semiconductor and other fabrication of electronic components
Job Descriptions of an Electronic Engineer
Electronic engineers are mostly responsible for developing and optimizing components for electrical devices and structures in different industries. In addition to designing consumer hardware products, electronic engineers may also be active in government, healthcare, and military programs. In a healthcare setting, for instance, to ensure regulatory enforcement, they are also responsible for testing and troubleshooting electrical equipment. Services of electronic engineers include:- Telecommunication
- Semiconductor and other fabrication of electronic components
- Manufacture of navigational, calculating, electromedical, and control instruments

In a Nutshell
All this means that electrical and electronic engineers have a large and increasing job market. They are also at the forefront of future innovation. Therefore, as an electrical or electronic engineer, you can earn a good salary in whatever industry you choose to work in, especially if you become a chartered engineer. Students interested in studying the programme can get a bachelor's or diploma in electronics and electrical engineering at AIMST University.Sharing Expertise Can Boost Scoliosis Treatment
AIMST University's Faculty of Allied Health Professions (FAHP) Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yu Chye Wah and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chew Heng Hai, adjunct research & innovation consultant of FAHP have jointly written an article on ‘Sharing expertise can boost scoliosis treatment’. According to them, scoliosis treatment has its limitations. Furthermore, poor patient compliance and a standard regime for a relatively wide range of scoliosis contribute to a poor prognosis. To overcome this, they have suggested four ways to spare the patients from pain and agony. The article was published on 1st January 2021 in the ‘Letters’ section of the News Straits Times (NST). Click https://www.nst.com.my/.../sharing-expertise-can-boost... to read.
Dentists May Use 5A Approach on Smokers
Associate Professor Dr. Hasnah Hashim from the Dental Public Health Department, Faculty of Dentistry, AIMST University has contributed her opinion on tobacco cessation efforts using the 5As approach. She has also highlighted the existence of the Dental Centre of AIMST University and the role of the University’s Dental Public Health Unit in providing counselling and support to smokers who wish to quit smoking. The article, titled ‘Dentists may use 5A approach on smokers’ was published on 31st December 2020 in the ‘Letters’ section of the News Straits Times (NST). Click https://www.nst.com.my/.../dentists-may-use-5a-approach... to read.
AIMST University’s strength and uniqueness
A comprehensive article regarding AIMST University's strength and uniqueness was published in the China Press newspaper on 27 December 2020. The article featured our Honourable Vice-Chancellor Prof. Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier and the Director of Clinical Skills Centre (CSC), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Patrick Tan Kee Seng. Please click https://www.chinapress.com.my to read the article. We have also provided the translation of the article in English language. Click here to read...
AIMST University pharmacy students grab Malaysian Pharmacy Students’ Association (MyPSA) awards
AIMST University pharmacy students grab Malaysian Pharmacy Students' Association (MyPSA) awards
Heartiest congratulations to Mr. Ong Jian Hong and Ms. Tan Shing Je for winning the Malaysian Pharmacy Students' Association (MyPSA) Best Contact Person Award 2019/20 and Best Student Award 2019/20 respectively. We would also like to congratulate the members of the Pharmaceutical Society of AIMST University (PHARMSA) for being awarded the MyPSA Best Society IPTS Award 2019/20.
It is indeed a proud moment for the staff and students of AIMST University and particularly for the members of Faculty of Pharmacy (FOP). This achievement is undeniably the result of their hard work and perseverance.
Today’s success is the beginning of tomorrow’s achievement. Congratulations again and well done!!
#MyPSA #AIMST #Pharmacy
What is the R0 and why is it down when Malaysia’s Covid-19 cases are up?
A RECAP: What is the R0 and why is it down when Malaysia’s Covid-19 cases are up? Community medicine expert explains Let’s read what Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saraswathi Bina Rai has to say about the basic reproduction number (R0) of Covid-19 in Malaysia. Dr. Bina is a member of AIMST University’s Faculty of Medicine (Community Medicine Unit) and was formerly the Head of Penang Epidemiology Intelligence Programme Unit, Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH). The article titled ‘What is the R0 and why is it down when Malaysia’s Covid-19 cases are up? Community medicine expert explains’ was published in the Malay Mail on 11th November 2020. Click https://www.malaymail.com/.../what-is-the-r0-and.../1921422 to read. #COVID19 #moh #aimst
Higher education should be relevant to the real world
The COVID-19 pandemic deluged the staid higher-education system with a welcome tsunami and this calls for universities to adapt and prepare their students for the future. AIMST University’s Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive, Prof. Datuk Dr. John Antony Xavier has written an opinion piece describing explicitly the advantages that can be gained by university lecturers and students during the pandemic. In addition, he suggested that universities should adapt and prepare their students for the future and their education model should be forward-looking and relevant to the real world.
Propels to Provide High Quality Education to Students
Simulation the Way Forward in Healthcare Education
The Director of AIMST University’s Clinical Skills Centre (CSC), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Patrick Tan Kee Seng has written an article regarding the utilisation of clinical simulation facility and programmes which focus on patient safety and how it enhances the effectiveness of clinical teaching involving real patients. The advancement in technology, especially in healthcare-related education and the knowledge and expertise in clinical simulation, has made it possible for educators and students worldwide to embrace the challenges created by the "new norms in education" during the pandemic.